The Agreement

After the tragedy, both nations continued work on their space programs. However, both sides felt uncertainty about future missions. As diplomatic talks with the Soviet Union continued, the idea of joint missions started to enter foreign policy conversations. During the SALT 1 talks in May 1972, both President Nixon and Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin signed […]

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The Soyuz 11 Tragedy

Although both countries had their triumphs and setbacks in the Space Race, none had been as tragic as the Soyuz 11 Tragedy of 1971, which marked the first known time that humans died in space. (Warning- graphic details below the cut)

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The Space Race

The Space Race was a critical part of the Cold War, as it was seen as a test of superiority. In the US, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration were given control of all space activity that was not military-based. For the Soviet Union, success in space would mean the success of communism. However, the […]

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The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! This blog will explore the development of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, conducted in 1975. “This, the final flight of the Apollo spacecraft, was the first docking of spacecraft built by different nations and presaged (sic) the era of cooperation between the Russians and the Americans that is now such an essential […]

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